Talent Type
Performance Skills
Fluent Languages
Athletic Endeavors
Additional information
Regarding ethnicity: I consider myself to be ethnically ambiguous.
Regarding VO: My home studio has access to Source Connect. It consists of a dedicated acoustically treated closet with AT2035 mic, Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 preamp, Logic Pro DAW (also have access to Audacity and GarageBand), Stedman Proscreen XL, and DT 770 Pro headphones.
Gender: FEMALE
Age: Senior
Weight: 110-119 lbs
Height: 5'2"
Eyes: Hazel
Hair Color: Salt and Pepper
Hair Length: Short
Ethnicity: Caucasian, Eastern European, Hispanic, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern
Market: Los Angeles, Louisiana, New Mexico, Other States, Texas
Union Status: Financial Core